Let’s Learn About an Eco-friendlier Approach Towards Rodent Control

rat control services Kolkata

Excluding rats from our house is a considerably more long-term and ecologically friendly solution to our unwelcome rodent visits. When we are presented with a rodent invasion, we generally want them to go as soon as possible. We've nearly gotten accustomed to reaching for a package of rat poison. It is, however, neither ecologically beneficial nor, more crucially, a long-term sustainable answer.

When deciding whether or not to exclude, keep in mind that the rat control services employ a number of unsuccessful methods. Spray can foam alone, without the addition of impermeable stainless steel or copper wool, are one of the poorest ways for excluding rats from buildings, although it is widely used by facility managers, pest control operators, and homeowners.

There are many eco-friendlier ways you can take control of the situation along with calling up rodent management service.

Sprays Made from Natural Ingredients:

To keep rats away, you can use a variety of natural sprays. These products are often made entirely of plants, making them safe to use around children and pets. Natural rodent repellent sprays are available in a variety of formulations. They aren't designed to harm the animals; rather, they are designed to keep them from arriving in the first place. There are no poisons in the environment, and no cruel techniques are employed.

Use Different Approaches:

When everything else fails to keep rodents away, go back to caveman mode, but this time in an environmentally responsible way: use traps! Peanut butter makes excellent bait, so why not use it? Call your local rodent pest control services to use its ultrasound and electric zappers on the disgusting animals if you don't want to deal with them. At the very least, you won't have to worry about gently eliminating these pests!

Green Solutions Made at Home:

Nowadays professional rodent management service also offers eco-friendly solutions like this. The smell of mint is repulsive to rodents. Rodent issues may be safely and efficiently eliminated by using pure peppermint and spearmint essential oils. Make sure you're using genuine, natural essential oils.

Place a few drops of peppermint essential oil on cotton balls and place them in cabinets. Towels soaked in a solution of mint oil and water can be used. For four cups of water, use ten to fifteen drops of the oil. Remove any extra water from the cloth and place it anywhere rats may be entering or spending time in the house.

Because mice and rats are more likely to emerge at night when humans are sleeping, use an essential oil diffuser for 20 minutes before going to bed. The fragrance molecules will be dispersed throughout the house as a result of this.

For more information and advice, connect with the pros, visit: https://royalkolkata.com/rat-control-services-kolkata/ 

Also ReadDon’t Become the Foolish Tom to Catch Clever Jerrys – Take Professional Help


  1. Yes, This is a Good Approach Towards Rodent Control & Different Pests Require Different Treatments but Most of the Crawling Insects Can Enter Your House in Search of Food and Water. Pest Control Treatments Do Not Replace Good Hygiene Practices, So We Must Have to Clean Our Place Regularly. You Can Also Use Pest Repellent Products Like Lizard Repellent Spray & Other Repellent Products for Different Pests.


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